Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice
Q1. The element that found in proteins is.................
Q2. "haemoglobin" is found in ...............
Q3. "Leukaemia" is a disease caused by the
Q4. The disease "Trachoma" affects the ....................
Q5. Milk is rich with ......................
Q6. Cereals are rich with ................
Q7. Lemon and similar Citrus fruits are rich with .....................
Q8. The Chinese practice of curing a disease by pinning needles at pressure points is known as ................
Q9. Green plants store their food in ......................
Q10. Starch is digested by .................
Q11. Fishes use their ...............for respiration
Q12. Diabetic patients can eat which of the following fruits?
Q13. ..................enters the human body through skin.
Q14. Who was the first person to conduct a heart transplantation in India?
Q15. The most important step to be followed to save the life of a child suffering from diarrhoea is ...........
Q16. Tetracycline is a ..................
Q17. Excessive drinking of alcohol damages ...............
Q18. The first scientist to produce effective vaccine against polio was ..........
Q19. the largest gland in the human body.
Q20. Quinine is extracted from ....................
Q21. Biles excreted by liver helps in ...............
Q22. Dialysis is a medical treatment technique for patients whose .......have serious problems.
Q23. Jaundice affects which part of the body?
Q24. the unit of food energy.
Q25. Dehydration in human body occurs due to the loss of
Q26. Small pox can be prevented by .............
Q27. "Hydroponics" is a subject dealing with
Q28. "Mycology" is a subject that deals with..........
Q29. "Anaemia" is caused mainly due to the deficiency of ...............
Q30. The commonest cancer found in women is ...........
Q31. Dodi Al Fayhed was the companion of Princess Diana during the accidental death. He belonged to............
Q32. "Murrah" breed of buffaloes are found in ..........
Q33. Asbestosis is the disease which affect ...............
Q34. In Penicillium sexual reproduction occurs by the formation of...............
Q35. RUBP contains ...............carbon atoms.
Q36. The functional unit of gene is called..................
Q37. A fruit is a fertilized .............
Q38. Haemoglobin consists of a protein part called..............
Q39. In Frog internal cavity called ventricle is not present in ...............
Q40. If transplantation is done with one's own tissue grafter to another part of the body it is termed..............
Q41. Formation of Zygote is termed as
Q42. The vaccine given between 9-12 is......
Q43. The number of carbon atoms in Pyruvic acid is
Q44. The type of mutation that causes death of the organisation is known as
Q45. The portion between the plumule and cotyledon is .............
Q46. A large triangular, thin walled chamber found on the dorsal surface of the heart of frog is called................
Q47. Fibrinogen is produced in the ..............
Q48. If young ones are nourished by the maternal tissue or placenta, they are called................
Q49. The repeated mitotic division takes place during
Q50. An impairment of heart functions due to inadequate blood supply to the heart is called ......................