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Q1. Which one is used to prevent the flow of large current through electrical appliances?
Q2. Which one occupies frequency bands on either side of the FM region?
Q3. Which one of the following is not a consequence of total internal reflection?
Q4. Which one of the following is not a moderator?
Q5. What is/are the importance/s of discovering the Higgs boson particles, which was in the news frequently in the recent past? (1) It will enable us to understand as to why elementary particles have mass (2) it will enable us in the near future to develop the technology of transferring matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. (3) it will enable us to create better fuels for nuclear fission.
Q6. Which one of the following statement is false?
Q7. Which one prevents the eye from colloapsing due to changes in the atmospheric pressure.
Q8. Which one produces the unidirectional current?
Q9. Which one regulates the amount of light entering into the eye?
Q10. The functions of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to
Q11. Which one will allow only certain colours to pass through them?
Q12. Which parameter determines fission reaction whether controlled or uncontrolled?
Q13. Which part converts the alternating current into direct current?
Q14. Which part in AC dynamo, is not used in DC dynamo?
Q15. Which part of the eye darkens the eye from inside and prevents internal reflection?
Q16. Which part of the eye is responsible for changing the focal length of the eye lens?
Q17. Which part of the eye is responsible for colour?
Q18. Which part of the nuclear reactor absorbs the heat energy released ?
Q19. Which particle is efficient in causing a nuclear fission reaction?
Q20. Which particle is emitted only in artificial radio activity?
Q21. Which phenomenon is not involved in the formation of rainbow?
Q22. Which physicist discovered natural radio activity?
Q23. Which planet is near to the sun?
Q24. Which power plant use coal to generate electricity?
Q25. Which principle is applied in the lift of an aircraft?
Q26. Which principle is used in atom bomb?
Q27. Which principle is used in loud speaker?
Q28. Which property is common to X-ray, g-ray, IR, VU
Q29. A new optical disc format known as the Blueray Disc (BD) is becoming popular. In what way is it different from the traditional DVD? (1) DVD supports Standard Definition video while BD supports High Definition video. (2) Compared to a DVD, the BD format has several times more storage capacity. (3) Thickness of BD is 2.4mm while that of DVD is 1.2mm. Which of these statements is/are correct?
Q30. Which property of a body oppose the flow of electric charge through it?
Q31. Which quantity is measured by ammeter?
Q32. Which quantity will not change when a wave goes from one medium to another?
Q33. Which radiation has maximum ionizing power?
Q34. Which radiation has no charge and no mass and travels with velocity of light?
Q35. Which radio active element is used in estimating the ages of mummies?
Q36. Which radio isotope is used as tracer?
Q37. Which ray has highest penetrating power?
Q38. Which ray is the slowest?
Q39. Which rays are absorbed by the ozone layer?
Q40. Which rays are detected by thermopile?
Q41. Which rays are emitted by an electric heater?
Q42. Which rays are emitted by radioactive nuclei?
Q43. Which rays are not deflected by both electric and magnetic fields?
Q44. Which rays are parallel to
Q45. Which rays are produced by carbon arcs, sun and electric sparks?
Q46. Which rays are produced when fast moving electrons are suddenly stopped by a target?
Q47. Which rays are used to detect contraband goods?
Q48. Which rays are used to detect smuggling of precious metals?
Q49. Which rays are used to detect the presence of pearls in oysters?
Q50. Which rays has highest ionizing and low penetrating power?