Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice
Q1. As a result of which war in 1898 did the US acquire Puerto Rico?
Q2. Which of these countries invaded Hong Kong during 1940s?
Q3. Julius Caesar made his famous "the die is cast" remark after crossing which river?
Q4. How many representatives did the Princely States have in the Constituent Assembly of India?
Q5. Where did the White Lotus Rebellion take place during 1794-1796?
Q6. Who was the President of USA during WWI?
Q7. Who was the first ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir?
Q8. Who commanded the British East India Co., in the Battle of Buxar in 1764?
Q9. Who was the eldest son of Mughal emperor of Shah Jahan?
Q10. Who was the Finance Minister under Mughal Emperor Akbar?
Q11. In 305 BC which Mauryan ruler defeated the Macedonian general Seleucus Nicator and received the territories of Kabul and Balochistan?
Q12. Which famous German field marshal and master strategist was known as "The Great Silent One"?
Q13. Under which emperor was the first succesful Roman invasion and conquest of Britain carried out?
Q14. In which year was the British East India Co., granted a Royal Charter?
Q15. With reference to the period of Indian freedom struggle, which of the following was/were recommended by the Nehru Report? (1) Complete Independence for India (2) Joint electorates for reservation of seats for minorities (3) Provision of fundamental rights for the people of India in the constitution.
Q16. During WWII who were called the " Kamikaze Pilots "?
Q17. During the WWII what name was given to the secret project to develop the atomic bomb in the US?
Q18. Who among the following prevented the Arabs from entering into the South India?
Q19. Vardhana dynasty flourished during ......century AD
Q20. The Gupta Dynasty was destroyed by............
Q21. The Gupta's Age (Period) is known as the "Golden Age" because
Q22. The Gupta dynasty flourished during ...................
Q23. Kanishka followed which of the following religion?
Q24. The most famous King of the Kushana Dynasty was............
Q25. Chola dynasty was founded after overthrowing the ...........
Q26. "Kudavolai System" (a system of voting in pots) was in existence during the period of..................
Q27. Chola dynasty was founded by ...........
Q28. Who committed suicide after the vanquish by "Akbar's force"?
Q29. Who was Ibn Batuta?
Q30. The religion followed by Harsha was...............
Q31. Name the physician who lived during the period of Vikramaaditya
Q32. Vasco-da-gama first landed in............
Q33. .............was the first Muslim ruler to invade and conquer South India.
Q34. Maurya Dynasty was founded by...........
Q35. ..................was the most famous King of the Chalukyas.
Q36. Who was known as the "Engineering King" of India?
Q37. ................were the first Europeans to arrive and settle in India
Q38. ................Battle in 1526, laid the foundation for the Mughal rule in India
Q39. Din-ilahi was a religion founded by ..............
Q40. Vijayanagara Empire was established by Harihara and Bukka on the banks of ............
Q41. Slave Dynasty rulers were ...............
Q42. ..................was the last Muslim dynasty to rule Delhi.
Q43. Megasthenes was sent to India from Greece as ..............ambassador
Q44. Hieun Tsang visited India during 7th century AD during the rule of ...........
Q45. Bindusara was the father of .............
Q46. ....................the author of Arthasasthra was a minister in the Court of Chandra Gupta Maurya
Q47. Alexander came to India during ................
Q48. Chandragupta Maurya established his kingdom with his capital
Q49. Nanda dynasty rule came to an end when the ...............invaded
Q50. ................mentions about Lichchavis in his book Arthasasthra