Unfortunately, Mr. M. Subramanian, who maintained this website lost his battle to cancer and passed away in July, 2019. The database has over 50,000 questions. If you are interested in purchasing the website/database, please reach out using the form here. Learn TNPSC exam and online pratice
Q1. In which of these areas/provinces the Swarajya Party became a leading party?
Q2. Among the following parties which one of them passed a resolution demanding the drafting of the Indian Constitution?
Q3. Chittaranjan Das died in the year.....
Q4. The Simon Commission consisted of ......... members
Q5. Protesting against which of the following, Lala Lajpat Rai was beaten to death?
Q6. Who among the following gave the title Mahatma Gandhiji as the "father of the nation"?
Q7. One of the following dates was observed the day of independence before the actual date of independence.Which one is it?
Q8. In which session of the Indian National Congress, Gandhiji decided to defy the "salt law"?
Q9. Dandi, is located approximately how many kms away from the Sabarmati Ashram?
Q10. Approximately how many people were imprisoned during the Salt Satyagraha?
Q11. Which of these political parties of UK took the initiative to hold the I Round Table Conference in London?
Q12. Who were the signatories of the "Poona Pact"?
Q13. Based on the recommendations of which of the following Round Table Conferences, the Government of India Act 1935 was passed?
Q14. Which of the following acts marked an epoch in the history of Indian Constitution?
Q15. Based on the outcome of the 1937 elections, the Congress formed its ministries in ......... provinces
Q16. On which date the demand for "separate Pakistan" resolution was passed?
Q17. Who among the following gave the "August offer"?
Q18. In which year Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose joined the Indian National Congress?
Q19. In which year Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose became the President of the Indian National Congress?
Q20. Who among the following founded the Forward Bloc Party?
Q21. The Indian National Army, from Burma, reached upto which place in its effort to fight the British?
Q22. In which year Nethaji is believed to have been killed in an air crash?
Q23. In which year the Cripps Mission was sent to India?
Q24. Assurances of which of the following was rejected by Gandhiji?
Q25. In which year the II World War came to an end?
Q26. Which of these mission was sent to India to enable India to achieve independence and set up its own Constituent Assembly?
Q27. Who among the following was a member of the Cabinet Mission?
Q28. Junagadh was a small princely state in which region?
Q29. Which of these princely state was united with India on 29th January 1949?
Q30. Against which of these European rulers, India had to resort to military action to acquire their region in 1961?
Q31. In which state the "Moplah rebellion" broke out in 1921?
Q32. Who were the main leaders of the Swarajist Party?
Q33. Who among the following repealed the "Vernacular Press Act" 1878?
Q34. Who among the following started the Indian Social Reformer, a weekly?
Q35. The "separatist" system of representation by various religious communities and other group was prominent feature of which of these Acts?
Q36. Who pioneered the "Drain Theory" to expose the exploitive nature of the British?
Q37. Why the Indian Muslims were not much attracted towards the "extremist movement"?
Q38. Which of the following was later incorporated in the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms?
Q39. He was active in the freedom movement Indian politics, and spiritually involved but later retired completely and set up his own ashram in Pondicherry. Whom are we talking about?
Q40. Which of the following was the main cause for the Sepoy Mutiny 1857?
Q41. For what reason Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in 1919?
Q42. Who demarcated the boundary between India and Pakistan?
Q43. Who was the President of Indian National Congress when India attained its freedom?
Q44. Arrange the following Indian leaders in the chronological order of their entry into the national scene? 1. Raja Rammohan Roy 2. Mahatma Gandhiji 3. Dadabhai Naoroji 4. Motilal Nehru
Q45. Who was leading the "Civil Disobedience Movement" in the North West Frontier Province?
Q46. In which country Gandhiji started his "satyagraha" against the ill treatment of Indians?
Q47. Who was the first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress?
Q48. Among the following who was involved in the "Alipore Bomb" case?
Q49. Arrange the following events in the correct order of their occurrence: 1. The Nehru Report 2. The Dandi March 3. Poorna Swaraj Declaration 4. Gandhi Irwin Pact
Q50. Arrange the following events in the correct of their happening? 1.The Khilafat Movement 2.The Non-cooperation movement 3.The individual Civil Disobedience Movement 4.The Bardoli Satyagraha