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Q1. Which layer of atmosphere blocks the UV rays from the sun?
Q2. Which lens and what focal length is used by a person having power of 2.50 D?
Q3. Which lens has thicker edge and thinner centre?
Q4. The surface of a lake is frozen in severe winter, but the water at its bottom is still liquid. What is the reason?
Q5. Which lens is used as a reading lens?
Q6. Which lens is used to concentrate the sunlight over a small part of paper? What will happen to that part? .
Q7. Which liquid evaporates easily?
Q8. Which liquid is used in ocean thermal energy, conversion plant?
Q9. Which material core is used in solenoid to make an electromagnet?
Q10. Which material does not absorb IR rays?
Q11. Which material has more viscous force?
Q12. Which material is coated on the screen in Roentgen’s experiment?
Q13. Which material is used in the detection of UV rays?
Q14. Which material is used to absorb the heat produced in the chain reaction?
Q15. Which metal is the best conductor of electricity at room temperature?
Q16. Which mirror forms a diminished and virtual images?
Q17. Which mirror is used as a reflector in street lights?
Q18. Which mirror is used as rear view mirror?
Q19. Which mirror is used in the shaving glass?
Q20. Which mirror is, used in the construction of reflecting periscope ?
Q21. Which model is referred to J.J. Thomson’s atom model?
Q22. Which of the energies given below is not energy achieved from the sea?
Q23. Which of the following appliance is not based on the principle of heating effect of current?
Q24. Which of the following can develop a tail when it approaches the sun?
Q25. Which of the following can interact with the atoms in the ionosphere?
Q26. Which of the following can penetrate through mist, fog haze?
Q27. Which of the following cannot be used to make solar cells
Q28. Which of the following constituents of the atmosphere does not absorb solar energy?
Q29. Which of the following correctly describes the magnetic field near a long straight wire?
Q30. Which of the following could be obtained from oceans?
Q31. Which of the following devices obeys ohm’s law?
Q32. Which of the following diffract X-rays?
Q33. Which of the following does not· change during the refraction of light?
Q34. Which of the following is . based on electromagnetic induction?
Q35. Which of the following is a crystalline solid?
Q36. Which of the following is a disadvantage of nuclear energy ?
Q37. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?
Q38. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?
Q39. Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
Q40. Which of the following is a source of alternating current?
Q41. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
Q42. Which of the following is a vector?
Q43. Which of the following is a wrong statement?
Q44. Which of the following is a wrong statement?
Q45. Which of the following is an advantage of nuclear fuels?
Q46. Which of the following is based on electromagnetic induction?
Q47. Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of wind farms?
Q48. Which of the following is correct
Q49. Which of the following is correct?
Q50. Which of the following is non-renewable source of energy?